Video Reviews are an excellent way to have Brad look at your swing progress and make adjustments as you work through the course.
Video reviews are done via a golf coaching app that provides voice over coaching from Brad as well as visual aides to perfect your swing.
$99/2 reviews
$199/5 reviews
Each review is from Brad, not an apprentice and includes a review angle from both face on as well as down the line.
Can't get to DFW or need instruction at your location?
Schedule live instruction with Brad on the range or on the course with remote live video calls.
One month of video lessons - $999
Consists of 4 lessons total. One per week
60 minutes per lesson
You also get unlimited video reviews from me in between lessons so I don't let you get off track
We do the video calls in real time here on WhatsApp (same as a zoom call) so it's like I'm standing right there next to you.
An excellent option to really dive into your swing improvements. Brad is conveniently located in DFW.
$1200 for 4 hours (min. for in person)
$2,000 for 7 hours
$2700 for 10 hours
($270 an hour for anything additionally over 10+)
Email: (If you send an email, please leave your cell as responses sometimes go to spam)